Customer Photos of My Photos

New Page Added
Sometimes the best compliment you can get is when your customers post on social media about how pleased they are with the canvas print or other product that they bought.
It means a lot to know that you what was received met expectations.
With their permission I have posted a few of these on a new page I added to the shop.
Click Here to Check out the page.
As a photographer, it means a lot to see my work in you home, to see the special place that you give it after you purchase and receive it.
If you have bought a photo print from me, and want to send a photo of it to be included on the page, you have a few options.
- Post a photo on social media and mention my account. (I am on facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram)
- Direct Message or use Messenger to reach out directly.
- Email me with the photo attached and a quick description of it at
- Or use the Contact Page here to make arrangements to share.
Leaving a Review as well as photos for social media:
If you would like to go one step further, and also write a review, email me at :
- You need to have purchased something from the store.
- Give an outline of the item you purchased you wish to review.
- I'll send you a link with a review form to fill out.
- Unfortunately, time-sensitive products, such as the Calendar Collections are not able to take reviews for past editions.
For the sake of transparency, folks should be are that submitted reviews do unlock a store discount in exchange for the opportunity to voice your opinions of items you purchased from me.